Spousal Support 101

Spousal Support

Spousal Support 101 This is the third instalment in the Family Law crash course series. Today we are going to look at Spousal Support, specifically, who can claim for it, what you have to prove in order to get it, how much it might be, and how it can be paid out. Spousal support is one of the three corollary reliefs that … Read More

Restraining Orders 101

Restraining Order

Restraining Order Restraining Orders may be brought against anyone, not just a family member (though if you are applying for a Restraining Order against a family member there are different forms to fill out). Applications for a Restraining Order can be brought with or without notice but Applications brought without notice will only be temporary until the Respondent has a chance to tell their side … Read More

Protection Orders 101

Protection Orders There are a variety of Orders the Court can grant in cases of violence or fear of violence. Protection Orders Protection Orders are only to be used when the Applicant is a victim of Family Violence from an immediate family member. An Emergency Protection Order is temporary, for emergencies only and granted without notice to the other party … Read More

Rights of a Parent

parent rights

Rights of a Parent Shared 50/50 parenting is the ideal in most Divorce cases but unfortunately, despite two loving and capable parents, the Courts can be hesitant to grant it. This article will look at what factors Courts consider when making Contact Orders and what you can do as a parent to help the Judge sees things your way. PT … Read More

Child Support 101

child support

Overview of Child Support Today we will look at Child Support and the basics when child support might be required, how child support is determined, and what the Maintenance Enforcement Program (MEP) has to do with it. Child support is the payment of money from one person to another to help with the financial costs of caring for a child. … Read More

Divorce Process 101

calgary divorce

Overview of the Divorce Process This will be the first article in a series of “crash courses” in Family Law. The purpose of these articles will be to answer some general questions about how the legal system works and maximize your time with your lawyer. Married vs Unmarried There are three aspects to a Divorce or separation from a partner, … Read More